Should You Watch The Abandoned?

When I was a teenager me and my best friend at the time used to go to Blockbuster Video (that’s how long ago this was) and rent several horror movies to watch on a Friday night every couple of weekends. I remember watching The Abandoned for the first time around ten years ago on one such occasion, and being thoroughly terrified by it.

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Should You Watch Factory Girl?

Factory Girl is a biopic of the life of silver-haired sixties socialite Edie Sedgwick, who was the Paris Hilton or the Kylie Jenner of America before those two were even twinkles in their father’s eyes. The plot charts the rapid rise and then the rapid fall of the troubled young woman, as she suddenly finds herself as muse for the decade’s most daring artist, Andy Warhol, and is then cast aside almost as quickly.

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Should You Watch The Roommate?

This week we will be continuing with my theme of “Gossip Girl stars appearing in mediocre-at-best films” and focusing on another lukewarm effort produced during the show’s heyday – The Roommate.

Now, let’s make one thing clear straight off the bat: 90% of The Roommate is not good. Like, really not good. I’ve seen it twice, actually, and the first time I watched it was with friends in around 2013 and we tore it to shreds. The second time I watched it was for this review because I wanted to see if my original impression of the film held up and it did. So, I repeat my statement: 90% of this film is not good.

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Should You Watch The Stepfather (2009)?

Ok, before we begin, I am going to preface this review with some complete honesty – the only reason I watched The Stepfather was because I saw the preview on Netflix had Dan Humphrey from Gossip Girl in it, and he looked like he would rather be anywhere else in the entire world (except maybe on Gossip Girl again). And so I thought to myself: “yep, this is going to be terrible” and “yep, I have to watch this.”

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