Should You Watch Planet of the Apes (1968)?

Humans really are an awful bunch, aren’t we? We fight, we steal, we beat each other down, and we never seem to learn from our mistakes. Of course, we don’t want to admit that we’re that bad. No, we just want to stick our head in the sand and ignore the truth. Sometimes it’s up to works of art and media to hold a mirror up to us and make us confront our ugly reflections. One work that does an excellent job of this is 1968’s Planet of the Apes.

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Should You Watch Greyhound?

Weirdly, despite having a major in history, I’ve never gone in much for historical films (especially war ones). That being said, there are some historical war films that I do like: Hacksaw Ridge, Gallipoli, Dunkirk and 1917 probably the ones that most readily come to mind. The film Greyhound is not something that really piqued my interest, and after watching it, I remain thoroughly underwhelmed.

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Should You Watch The Woman in the Window?

I really wanted to like The Woman in the Window. I really did.

It’s got a great cast (Amy Adams, Gary Oldman, Julianne Moore… the list goes on!) and a great premise (someone trapped in their house witnesses something strange going on across the street).

Sure, I realised from nothing more than the Netflix description that this was essentially just Rear Window: 2021 Edition (or, even just a rip-off of Rear Window’s modern brother, Disturbia), but I was willing to put up with that. I like this kind of story enough to see it done multiple times over, and I figured anything helmed by Amy Adams is a pretty sure bet.

Unfortunately, I didn’t like The Woman in the Window nearly as much as I thought I would.

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Should You Watch The Abandoned?

When I was a teenager me and my best friend at the time used to go to Blockbuster Video (that’s how long ago this was) and rent several horror movies to watch on a Friday night every couple of weekends. I remember watching The Abandoned for the first time around ten years ago on one such occasion, and being thoroughly terrified by it.

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Should You Watch: Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome?

Aah, Beyond Thunderdome. Truly the misfit of the Mad Max franchise. The only one to put basically zero focus on cars, but shitloads of focus on actual shit. Also the only one with a tie-in single (it was 1985, after all). Beyond Thunderdome is a wild ride, but not in a good way. We’d better get started.

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